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As If! Why TWOOBS Ditched Stockists and What’s Next.

Hey there, Clueless fans! It’s Jess and Stef, and we’ve got some major news for you. You know how Cher had that iconic closet full of designer clothes? Well, we had a similar situation with our stockists. But as much as we love them, it was time to say goodbye. Here’s why. 

First things first - we want to be online only because it means we can offer our customers the best prices. We know you’re all savvy shoppers like Tai, and we want to make sure our shoes are accessible to everyone. By cutting out the middle people, we can give you a better deal. And who doesn’t love a good bargain?

But there’s more to the story. You see, a lot of our stockists wouldn’t come along on our sustainability journey. Remember when Cher tried to make Tai over and she just wasn’t feeling it? That’s how we felt when we saw some of our stockists using plastic and other outdated practices. We even chatted to the sustainability team at a major stockist we were working with, and they were like “whatever.” So not cool.

As if that wasn’t enough, we were once given the advice to do one thing and do it really well. Having stockists actually takes up a lot of time. Being such a small team, we realised if we invest all our time in making awesome shoes and figuring out how we can do better for the planet, then we can have a much greater impact. It’s like when Dionne told Cher to focus on her driving instead of trying to fix her love life. You gotta have priorities, you know? 

So, what’s next for TWOOBS? We’re glad you asked. To add a spoiler, we want to open our own TWOOBS stores sometime in the not too distant future. That way, we can offer you an even more immersive and sustainable experience. It’ll be like when Cher and Dionne took Tai shopping and showed her the ropes. Only this time, it’ll be with shoes.

We hope this post has given you some insight into why we don’t have stockists anymore. We’re all about doing what’s best for our customers and the planet. And, of course, we’re always up for a good Clueless reference. Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting journey! 


Jess & Stef


P.S. As if you didn’t already know, our online store is always open. Come check out our latest collection!

P.P.S (make sure you read this!) We are actually heading off on holiday for a few weeks, and you know that old saying - when the copywriter’s away, the robots will play. (Errrr okay maybe it will become a saying). Anywho, we thought we’d give this whole Chat GPT thing a whirl, and this blog post was actually completely written by it. Everyone in our office was pretty freaked out that it was written by AI and not actually us. Could ya tell? Did you find it engaging? Are you a fan of the bot or are you now slightly outraged? Weigh in on the conversation on our Instagram post about it here.