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What’s it like to work at TWOOBS? It’s not all patting puppies and modeling shoes. Ok, sometimes it is. But it’s also a supportive and accepting environment. As a female-owned and female-led business, we think it’s really important to lift up women and people of all gender identities, sexualities, backgrounds, ages and abilities.

We’re also super committed to putting the planet first, being animal-friendly and transparent about what we do and why we do it. There are no secrets here. We’ll tell you who made our shoes and who’s penning our Instagram captions. We’ll even tell you the recipe for our grandma’s vegan choc chip cookie recipe (if you dare to ask).

We work hard — but never on weekends or Wednesdays — and play while we do it. That’s just the kinda footwear brand we are.

Our kinda office

When it comes to caring for the planet, we believe in walking the talk with our everyday choices. Starting with what we do at TWOOBS HQ. As a business and as a team of planet-lovers, we’ve made a commitment to do everything we can to do things kinda differently in our day-to-day operations. Here’s how:

· Solar panels give us clean energy
· Apple and citrus trees throughout our rooftop garden for sweet and zesty treats
· A rainwater irrigation system saves water
· Motion-activated lights save energy
· 100% recycled toilet paper from Who Gives a Crap saves our behinds, and our trees
· Non-toxic cleaning products from Thank You and Eco Store means less yucky chemicals for our hands and waterways
· Reusable coffee cups from Frank Green means less stuff in landfill

Our shipping

Once upon a time we hunted for a planet-friendly satchel to pack TWOOBS in. Then we realised, shoes don’t need satchels when they already come in boxes. Duh.

That’s why we went satchel-free on all our orders and opted for recycled cardboard boxes instead. Each pair of TWOOBS is packed in nothing more than a recyclable cardboard box, sealed with vegan, bio-based and biodegradable tape.

Satchel who? We don't know her.

The future of TWOOBS

We don't believe that a 3 or 5 year sustainability plan is gunna cut it when it comes to making necessary changes for our planet. That’s why ours has a much shorter timeline.

We’ve already started taking steps in the right direction and consider ourselves to be Australia’s kindest footwear brand. We plan to keep putting our best foot forward when it comes to taking the fast out of ‘fashion’.