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Find your sole-mate ...

Size Guide

The Size-a-majig

Did you know? The most accurate way to find your perfect fit, is to measure the length of your foot!

Lucky for you, we've prepared a little something we like to call the Size-a-majig to help you out. Print out the Size-a-majig to scale: 100%. Then just step onto it to find your closest size.

Voila! You've just found your sole-mate.

Print out the Adults Size-a-majig here.

Kids Size Guide

The LTLS Size-a-majig

Before you tuck those little tootsies into some TWOOBS, it’s important to get the size of those growing feet right.

Print the Size-a-majig out to scale: 100%, and have your little step their squishy little foot onto it. Line it up with the closest size, and voila! You’re armed and ready for some serious sandal shopping.

Print out the LTLS Size-a-majig here.